
Membership is free and open to any individual aged 16 or over living in the Ardgour Community Council area. Full post code is required to verify this.

You can request membership of the Ardgour Glensanda Development Trust by completing the online form here. Membership will be confirmed by email.

    I confirm that I am over 16 and live in the Ardgour Community Council Area

    The Ardgour Area Fund was established in 2013 as a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) to manage and disseminate the community benefit of £25,000 per year from Glensanda Quarry. 

    Over the past 8 years we have awarded over £200,000 to a range of community organisations to promote a wide range of sustainable development within our rural communities.

    Ardgour Community Council residents over 16 are eligible. There is no fee for membership!